Sunday, November 28, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Grandma was here for some November love and we visited Dad at the heliport
If you cant see what grandma and mom are trying to do, please scroll down

Dads helmet on me? seriously guys

I was sooo excited to see dad and to know that he likes to wear onesies too!

Its as big as a bus, I swear!

Triple stack on the LA County Heli

yup thats me and nana!  

Thanksgiving was so much fun with my leopard cousin

She read to me a ton of books

gobble gobble!

Faith got a new dog, CHOPPER and what a cute little EWOK he was

As you can see, I dont have much toys so when I see them, I REALLY like to study them

Moms incessant flashing shook me silly

We were stuffed but I still felt like climbing "the mountain" as dad puts it.  It was a lovely Thanksgiving with my ʻohana and now I am pooped, good night!

Monday, November 15, 2010


They said California was supposed to be cold, I beg to differ

but we went to the beach for the day the winter weather mistaked itself for summer!

Did I mention how much I love sand between my toes?

We started off Daddy's special day at Universal City Walk
looking at things I cannot eat,
and walking on the red carpet!
 I saw an onion volcano with our `ohana

Here we are...still celebrating!

 YAY daddy won!  

 Sunday Funday
 Daylight savings time proved to be a beautiful sunset! 
Such a lovely weekend, Happy Birthday Daddy and I can't wait until what next weekend holds!

Monday, November 1, 2010


I started off my Halloween very typical, with a coned off section just for me and my nap

Meanwhile Dad was carving a pumpkin for me,

and my cousin Faith helped out too

She told me later it felt like snot all over her hands, eww!

Rise and shine, Iʻm ready to start off my trick or treating adventure

Han Solo Daddy, Princess Leia Mommy, and YODA I AM!

Aunty Jennifer and my 80ʻs rockstar of a cousin Kendra

Uncle Jeffrey, Aunty Chandra, and my geisha of a cousin Faith

Grandma and Grandpa with all their moʻopuna

Teaching Grandma all about "the force"

Here come all my friends

TRICK OR TREAT, is that what Iʻm supposed to say?

We gathered candy and I lasted five whole houses

It was a great Halloween and pooped I was, Yoda good night I say!